Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 - Assignment 1 - Questions emailed to Mrs. LaMarche - | Day 1 Welcome PowerPoint
New Seating Chart: Question on the board: ******Where did Google come from? How, when, where... WHY!?!?*******
- A-K will meet in the "Hackerspace"
- L-Z will meet in the main classroom
- Class Procedures
- We started to Watch | Where did google come from? | Watch Story of Google
School is canceled today due to poor air quality. Be Safe! See you all Monday!
Happy Friday
- Today is an opportunity to practice your time management. Team building is ok IF you document your Workplace Ready Skill you are working on AND you are caught up in ALL CLASSES
- DUE THIS WEEK: Week 1 & 2 Portfolio Progress | See Example Here | Rubric
Welcome to class!! - Quick Discussion on Fire Drill & Certificate Expectations
- Today is an independent workday
- ADOBE - Brain Buffet is fixed - JOIN ADOBE CERT OPTION HERE
- Meetings will continue until I am able to meet with each of you. I will place a star next to your name once we have met
- WORK ON CERT PREP or any other approved projects as needed
- Make an entry in your progress log to reflect what you accomplished today. Use artifacts and evidence as appropriate. SEE EXAMPLE
Welcome to class!
- Meetings with Mrs. LaMarche will continue this week
- Seniors will stay in S3 while under classman will work in S2
please work on CERT PREPToday is a TEAM BUILDING KIND OF DAY
- What is Team Building?
- Why do we do team building?
- Workplace ready standards
Example Standards to practice and demonstrate:
- 1.2.3 Demonstrate respect for diversity by valuing individual differences and working collaboratively with people of diverse backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences
- 1.3.4 Demonstrate efficiency and productivity by planning, prioritizing, and adapting work goals to manage time and resources effectively
- 1.3.2 Demonstrate career and life management by planning, implementing, and managing personal and professional development goals related to education, career, finances, and health
Games are unblocked. Team building OK IF you have your progress logs complete for weeks 1 & 2
Employability skills, often referred to as Workplace or Career Readiness skills, have for many years been a recognizable component of standards and curriculum in all career and technical education (CTE) programs. The Workplace Readiness Standards are designed to ensure students graduate from high school properly prepared with skills employers prioritize as the most important. The standards provide a means through which students may acquire and exhibit leadership qualities, as leadership development principles are embedded in most, if not all, of the standards.
Welcome to Class! Please start at the front tables.
Class discussion:
Independent work: Juniors & Seniors will start meeting in S3
- please continue working on your CERT PROGRESS - be sure to log your progress. You will have a progress log grade each week worth 25 pts or 5pts each day.
- I will be calling you over one by one to make sure I have your portfolio starting tomorrow. Wednesday, Thursday & some of Friday will be for meetings
- everyone will have a unique login and a dedicated computer to use - please be patient as we work out logistics. THANK YOU!!
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Most Mondays you will start at the computers and start your Weekly progress log. Please add a new text box with the dates for this week. Week 3 |January 16th - January 20th [--/25]. Add a bullet list of Monday - Friday so you are ready to go to add an entry. SEE EXAMPLE PAGE
- continue with CERT PREP
- our first lab this week will be about the STORY OF GOOGLE
- quick share out on your current cert progress
- if you don't have a star by your name I still need to meet with you
- remember, you will document the time spent each week on cert prep in your portfolio
- think of keeping accurate progress logs as a way for you to eventually take on auxiliary assignments
Welcome to Class!
- If you don't have a star by your name I still need to meet with you
- Remember, you will document the time spent each week on cert prep or labs in your portfolio
- Think of keeping accurate progress logs as a way for you to eventually take on Auxillary assignments
- Break into groups for Lab Section Introduction
- Tomorrow Mrs. LaMarche will introduce Labs Page to the other group
Welcome Back!! - Start at the computers, please.
- I hope everyone had a restful weekend!
- Create your Week 4 log. Add dates and a bulleted list for Monday - Friday
- work on Cert prep
- work on your write tools paragraph as needed
- REMINDER: Starting Next week Esports will be meeting Tuesday - Friday! Spread the word. We will be competing in Leauge, Smash, Overwatch, Rocket League & Valorant! Hope to see you there!
Welcome to Class! - Please start at the Tables - Quick Discussion on the PC Parts Lab Page
- Create your PC Parts Lab Page in your portoflio | See Example
- Please continue to work on Cert Prep
- Make sure you are making detailed notes in your progress log each day. Please share both your progress and what you found interesting each day.
- Mrs. LaMarche will be asking you to log in to the TA computer (the i9 system and share your portfolio -- sometime this week 🤞.
- I look forward to meeting with each of you 🙂
- If you get burnt out on one cert move on to another cert. There are MANY, many to choose from!
Welcome to Class!! Please Start @ the Tables
- Quick Discussion On Programming & Web Dev
- Make two more Labs Sections - Programming & Web Dev
Independent work:
- Continue to work on your PC parts Lab Page as needed
- cycle to CERT PREP as needed
- Thank you for your patience with our 1 on 1 meetings. I will be working to meet with each person individually at our new TA station
- Please add an entry in your progress log daily ❓🙋♀️🙋♂️❔ - What is the difference between a programmer and web developer
Welcome to Class!! Please Start @ the Tables - Quick discussion led by Carter
- Quick Discussion on Microsoft's Investment (49% speculated share) in Open AI, specifically ChatGPT
- Continue to Work on Cert Prep
Independent work:
- currently, you should have a total of 7 Pages | See Example Portfolio
- make sure you have 4labs sections: Google(Main Labs Page), followed by PC Parts, Programming & Web Dev nested neatly underneath
- write in your daily progress log
- Once you have completed creating the lab sections cycle to CERT PREP as needed
- Thank you for your patience with our 1 on 1 meetings. I will be working to meet with each person individually at our new TA station
1st Period 8:05-8:55
2nd Period 9:00-9:50
3rd Period 9:55-10:45
4th Period 10:50-11:40
Lunch 11:40-12:40
5th Period 12:45-1:35
6th Period 1:40-2:30
7th Period 2:35-3:25
Welcome to Class! - Presentation from Walker - GREAT BUDGET BUILD
- Today we will start our first PRE-LAB on Processors - Make a copy, share it back with and post your copy to your PC Labs Section. | SEE EXAMPLE
- If you didn't get a chance to watch - THE PERFECT TEAM - last Friday, please watch (as weather permits we will complete team lab)
- please take a moment to write in your progress log | What are the TWO qualities successful teams have? What was the google TEAM research project called? WHY? ❔❓🙋♀️🙋♂️ | SEE MY EXAMPLE
- cycle back to CERT PREP
Welcome To Class - Start at the computers, please
- Continue work on your Processor Lab. Make sure you make a copy and share it back with Post your copy to your PC Parts Lab page | SEE EXAMPLE LAB PAGE
- Make sure you cite your sources using Easy Bib
- As you complete your lab cycle back to CERT PREP
- As always, document your great efforts in your progress log each day!
Welcome to Class!! - Start at the Computers Please
- Please look under “Thursday”
- Work on your Processor Lab
- Cycle back to Cert Prep as needed
- AND… As Always - Please log your great efforts in your daily progress log
Welcome to class! - Start the Tables Please
- Q & A on processor Lab - Consider these PRE LABS with independent RECON. The hands-on portion will include multiple components
- Quick Shareout on our Esports WIN - 2022
- If you have your work complete TEAM BUILDING IS OK - Please note which WORKPLACE READY SKILL you are working on.
Welcome to Class - Please start at the tables for 45 min of uninterrupted CERT PREP
- Please take a moment to REVIEW last week
- Create your "week 6" log in your portfolio | Check out my example log as needed
- Keep working on your 2nd Certificate, remember since Monday is shorter... we dedicate Mondays to CERT PREP
- Organize your week with updated dates and bullets for each day of the week. Will you be gone any day this week? Update your log accordingly.
- Tomorrow, we will start at the tables to begin our Motherboard Prelab
Welcome to Class - please start at the tables - What is an 80/20 Project?
- Today we are going to start our motherboard lab
- Please MAKE A COPY of the motherboard lab | See Example
- Please think of this document as a note catcher
- There are a lot of things to understand and know about motherboards and many of you have EXCELLENT prior knowledge
- Please do not worry if you don't already know EVERYTHING about MOTHERBOARDS after you complete this lab, however, I do ask that you challenge yourself
- As always, please remember to write in your progress log daily!
Welcome to Class - Quick share out on an EXAMPLE 80/20 Project
- DEEP FAKES What do you think this means for security and impersonations of state officials or others' identities?
- Deep Fakes in the NEWS | Entire Fake News Channel
- continue to work on Motherboard Lab -- HINT: the answer to CHIPSET and UPDATED TECH question is in THIS VIDEO
- cycle back to CERT PREP
- REMINDER - add all your great work to your progress log! | See Example
Welcome to Class - Start at the computers.
- Please start at the COMPUTERS 💻
- Check out the COOL article Carter found on deep fakes
- Work on Motherboard Lab - Post the completed lab to your portfolio.
- Update your progress logs specific to your current project or cert progress. What did you learn❓ 📝 | See My Example
- Think of an 80/20 possible project
- Cycle back to your current cert
- UP NEXT: we will have a MEMORY or RAM Pre-Lab
Welcome to Class! Please start at the table for some example share of 80/20 Projects - PAST AND PRESENT!
- No Power/ No Post - LapTop (Mr. Tarchione)
- No Power DeskTop (Mr. Haycock)
- 3D Animation Share out - Thanks Walker
- Magic Table Using a Smart CNC Router | JUST STARTED - will check back soon
- Build a Game | JUST STARTED - will check back soon
- As always, please write in your progress log. I will be grading progress logs this week.
- Teambuilding & Time Management Practice - IF YOU ARE ALL CAUGHT UP!
- next week we will complete Lab #4 MEMORY
Welcome to Class! - Start at the computers
- Welcome to WEEK 7!
- This semester has been FLYING BY!!
- Please take a few moments to start your week 7 Progress log
- Spend the remainder of the time on CERT PREP!
- Tomorrow we will start our MEMORY LAB
Welcome to Class! - Please start at the Tables
- Welcome to a field trip inside a field trip
- Idaho Statesman Article: 2000 new jobs COMING TO BOISE
- Micron Tour
- Raspberry Pi Door Open Tour
- Retro Pi Tour
Welcome to Class! - Please start at the Tables
- reflection on yesterday | What happened yesterday?
- new lab pages - "Programming" | Please See Example
- new lab pages - "Web Dev" | Please See Example
- memory and storage labs will be out after our "LONG BREAK"
- cycle to CERT PREP or 80/20 Planning
- today's schedule
- tomorrow's schedule
Welcome To Class! - Please start at your computers. TODAY's SCHEDULE
- Be sure you have both your WEB DEV and PROGRAMMING Lab sections built
- Be sure you have your PROGRESS LOGS complete | See my example
- Cycle over to CERT PREP or 80/20 - project prep and planning
Welcome to Class! - EXAMPLE 80/20 projects to Share
- Create your wk8 Log
- Independent Workday - planning for 80/20 projects or Cert prep
"...for those who work in science or technology or who are going to take a job in a field related to or highly infused with STEM, I did some interesting calculations for my research. Based on the rate at which knowledge is increasing and the rate at which knowledge is decaying, I calculated that about 15 percent of what we know today is likely to be relevant in five years.
Okay, and that is not the number fifty—that is the number fifteen, as in between 10 and 20 percent. And here is the kicker: we don’t even know which 15 percent this is..."
~Liz Wiseman
- please add to your wk8 Log
- Independent Workday - planning for 80/20 projects or Cert prep
- Gabe and Kyler, please test out the refresh rate on the 85inch display for Match tonight
- EXAMPLE 80/20 projects to Share
Welcome to Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche
- Please work on Cert prep or
- 80/20 project Planning
- 3rd Cert | 50pts
- wk7/8 Log | 50pts
Welcome to Class! Monday - Wednesday
- Please create your week 9 log in your portfolio work on your CURRENT CERT - log your progress/ Cert Prep/ 80/20 Planning
- Take a look at
- Welding 80/20 Project
- 8k vs 4k (thank you, Walker!)
- Rhoda's Computer
- Due to many tech parts arriving and our maker space needing tending to - there will be no "new" assignments this week but help yourself to ANY CERT PREP you would like to focus on.
Thursday - Teambuilding/ Esports Practice OK
- Don't forget to document the workplace-ready skill you demonstrated
- Examples - Communication, inclusion, or Time management to name just a few!
Early Release Friday - NO SCHOOL FOR SENIORS
- ENJOY - Teachers working on Grades
Welcome to Class!! Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche
- Create a NEW 4th Quarter Progress Log page
- Please spend today setting up your log dates - SEE MY EXAMPLE
- Please continue to work on Certs and Labs @ as needed
- Make sure you add an accurate yet brief entry in your progress log
Welcome to class - What are the two main indicators of a good team? Why did google call the Project?
- Quick refresher - What is PROJECT Aristotle
- 80/20 Project replace the bumpers
- break into groups
- Have a team member make a copy of GOOGLE LAB #2
- Each team member needs to post a copy of the lab to their INDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO
Welcome to Class! Quick share out on 80/20 Projects - Big thanks to Garret who found a new project for us! REPLACE LCD NEW 80/20
- LCD - replacement examples | Laptop | Desktop Monitor
- SHOUT OUT TO CARTER's TEAM!! The only team to share the lab back with Mrs. LaMarche --- WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT??!! "Example of Code Workspace ETC"
- What was missing yesterday?
- Work time in Groups
- Mrs. LaMarche will provide QR codes
Welcome to Class - Please start in DRONE GROUPS
- REMINDER: You will need a start and stop time for the drone flight
- Each team only needs ONE copy of the document but EACH TEAM MEMBER needs to have a copy posted to their individual portfolio
- ***You will be meeting in S3 tomorrow.****
Welcome to Class!!
- Continue with your Week 11 log - for full points please indicate not only progress but specific takeaways
- Please work on CERT Prep
- Quick Disucssion on 80/20 projects
Early release Monday - Please start at the tables
Today we are going to learn about FIRSTInspires FTC Robotics
Click HERE to go to the FTC Website
Click HERE to make a copy of this document that you will fill out as you learn about the FTC program.
Complete this challenge to learn about the FTC program
- Create new button on your portfolio for the 4th quarter
- Create Week 11
- Add the link to today's assignment on Monday.
- please feel free to look at the power supplies sitting on the main tables
- contiue with the lab we started yesterday - some parts might need to be added manually
- research picking a power supply - PLEASE WATCH
- Power Supply Calculator
Welcome to Class!
- Quick Shareout on Tech Support Happening NOW!
- add your own case and Power supply - we will talk more about power supplies tomorrow
- watch case video as needed
Welcome to Class! This is a great week to be autonomous!
- Wednesday - Friday | Start in your groups. Presentations will start next week. Each group will present 1 topic and lab then we will rotate to another group. As a group discuss which topic you plan to present on first. NEW FORM - FILL OUT TODAY.
- Tuesday - Please continue to work in groups - NEW FORM - DUE TODAY - I need your selfies
- Monday - Work with your group to update your progress with THIS FORM - DUE TODAY!
WELCOME TO CLASS -- Why is it important to compare one part to another?
- quick disucssion on BENCHMARK COMPARISON
- story about verizon 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
- ongoing Slide Build - Building a PC
- Apple VS Samsung VS Pixel
Always remember to cycle back to our 4 questions:
- What’s the PC (or other tech product) going to be used?
- Who’s going to be using the PC (or other tech product)?
- What’s the budget? Current Economic State
- What are future use plans… plans for resale or eventual upgrades?
This Really Happened
WELCOME TO CLASS!! - Quick Disucssion on Processors
- Please create your week 13 log
- continue to complete your - Building a PC lab
- cycle back to cert progress as needed
Welcome to Class!
- Quick disucssion on Workplace ready skills
- teambuildinb OK if you are caught up
Welcome to Class!!
- Continue to work in your assigned groups
- please be sure to cycle back to YOUR INDIVIDUAL CERT PREP if you successfully complete your work group
- Mrs. LaMarche will be working with each group to provide feedback on your presentations
Welcome To Class!!
- New Lab - RAM Memory Lab - make a copy, share back and create a button on your labs page to turn this assignment in
- New Lab - Storage Lab - make a copy, share back and create a button on your labs page to turn this assignment in
Early release Monday - Please start at the computers!
- create your new log
- cycle to cert prep or 80/20 as needed
Welcome to Class!! Hope you had a great week off for Thanksgiving!
Today we will start by finishing Earbud Project Presentations:
To wrap up our project the following students will present in class today:
- Stanheart
- Kaleb
- Logan
- Matthew
- Kit (if finished)
Students will finish up week 14 and start their week 15 in their portfolios.
We will talk about 3D printing and our 3D Printer.
Welcome to Class! Assembly Schedule - Shortened Class Period
- Quick discussion on AI - Chat GPT vs Google's BARD
- The AI revolution: Google's developers on the future of artificial intelligence | 60 Minutes
- Tomorrow Mrs. LaMarche will not be in class. Please work on the follow-up AI Lab
Welcome to Class - Quick discussion on Tech Skills vs Workplace Ready skills
- the origin story of this assignment | SAD
- workplace ready PRE TEST
- when you complete the pretest please work on cert prep or manage your time as needed - there are a lot of correct answers. Please be autonomous.
- we want to make sure everyone has a chance to take the pretest before we cover content
- please place the results to your post-test (we will take post-test next week) in your portoflio
Early release Monday Quick REVIEW of Friday. We were missing over 1/3 of our class activities 😢
| Review Friday HERE | Review Progress Log Rubric Here
- if you haven't already, please take the work-place ready PRE-TEST
- we will go over the content to prepare for the post-test when each class member has been able to complete the pre-test
- please review your progress logs
- continue to work on EOC
Welcome to Class! Teambuilding O.K. OR make up work for ANY OTHER CLASS
- ONLY one pre-test left
- Once all the pre-tests have been taken we will start to go over content
- Please consider listening to music
- Thank you for keeping the classroom a nice working environment
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!!
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- Today - Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Competes @ Districts
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- Today - Rocket League Competes @ Districts
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- Today - Valorant Competes @ Districts
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- Today - Overwatch2 Competes @ Districts
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- All four Titles that competed last week in districts, Super Smash Brothers, Valorant, Overwatch2 & Rocket league ARE ALL GOING TO STATE!! If you see one of our Esports players, please congratulate them.
Welcome to Class!! Please start at the tables
- Preview Promo video
- Look for Easter Eggs
Welcome to class!!
Welcome to Class! Please start at the computers.
Please work autonomously:
- Finishing*** EMERGENCY BUILD**
- Mrs. LaMarche needs to do some last moment edits on our ETE promo video.
- Watch for the final video to be shown in your advisory classes & on Gym TVs
Welcome to Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche | Esports is off to State @ BSU's Esport Arena
Please work autonomously:
- Finishing*** EMERGENCY BUILD**
- Mrs. LaMarche needs to do some last moment edits on our ETE promo video.
- Watch for the final video to be shown in your advisory classes & on Gym TVs
Welcome to Class!
- EOC and Final Portfolio Rubric will be available Friday
- Start Documentary
- Seniors Last Day Wednesday - Congrats to our Senior PC winner!!
Welcome to Class!
- CS Promo Video
- Finish Documentary
- POST TEST - Workplace Ready (once you have finished the documentary)
- EOC - Starts today - OPEN BOOK
- Rubric
- please read an article about our OWN BRUIN ALUMNI
Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 - Assignment 1 - Questions emailed to Mrs. LaMarche - | Day 1 Welcome PowerPoint
New Seating Chart: Question on the board: ******Where did Google come from? How, when, where... WHY!?!?*******
- A-K will meet in the "Hackerspace"
- L-Z will meet in the main classroom
- Class Procedures
- We started to Watch | Where did google come from? | Watch Story of Google
School is canceled today due to poor air quality. Be Safe! See you all Monday!
Happy Friday
- Today is an opportunity to practice your time management. Team building is ok IF you document your Workplace Ready Skill you are working on AND you are caught up in ALL CLASSES
- DUE THIS WEEK: Week 1 & 2 Portfolio Progress | See Example Here | Rubric
Welcome to class!! - Quick Discussion on Fire Drill & Certificate Expectations
- Today is an independent workday
- ADOBE - Brain Buffet is fixed - JOIN ADOBE CERT OPTION HERE
- Meetings will continue until I am able to meet with each of you. I will place a star next to your name once we have met
- WORK ON CERT PREP or any other approved projects as needed
- Make an entry in your progress log to reflect what you accomplished today. Use artifacts and evidence as appropriate. SEE EXAMPLE
Welcome to class!
- Meetings with Mrs. LaMarche will continue this week
- Seniors will stay in S3 while under classman will work in S2
please work on CERT PREPToday is a TEAM BUILDING KIND OF DAY
- What is Team Building?
- Why do we do team building?
- Workplace ready standards
Example Standards to practice and demonstrate:
- 1.2.3 Demonstrate respect for diversity by valuing individual differences and working collaboratively with people of diverse backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences
- 1.3.4 Demonstrate efficiency and productivity by planning, prioritizing, and adapting work goals to manage time and resources effectively
- 1.3.2 Demonstrate career and life management by planning, implementing, and managing personal and professional development goals related to education, career, finances, and health
Games are unblocked. Team building OK IF you have your progress logs complete for weeks 1 & 2
Employability skills, often referred to as Workplace or Career Readiness skills, have for many years been a recognizable component of standards and curriculum in all career and technical education (CTE) programs. The Workplace Readiness Standards are designed to ensure students graduate from high school properly prepared with skills employers prioritize as the most important. The standards provide a means through which students may acquire and exhibit leadership qualities, as leadership development principles are embedded in most, if not all, of the standards.
Welcome to Class! Please start at the front tables.
Class discussion:
Independent work: Juniors & Seniors will start meeting in S3
- please continue working on your CERT PROGRESS - be sure to log your progress. You will have a progress log grade each week worth 25 pts or 5pts each day.
- I will be calling you over one by one to make sure I have your portfolio starting tomorrow. Wednesday, Thursday & some of Friday will be for meetings
- everyone will have a unique login and a dedicated computer to use - please be patient as we work out logistics. THANK YOU!!
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Most Mondays you will start at the computers and start your Weekly progress log. Please add a new text box with the dates for this week. Week 3 |January 16th - January 20th [--/25]. Add a bullet list of Monday - Friday so you are ready to go to add an entry. SEE EXAMPLE PAGE
- continue with CERT PREP
- our first lab this week will be about the STORY OF GOOGLE
- quick share out on your current cert progress
- if you don't have a star by your name I still need to meet with you
- remember, you will document the time spent each week on cert prep in your portfolio
- think of keeping accurate progress logs as a way for you to eventually take on auxiliary assignments
Welcome to Class!
- If you don't have a star by your name I still need to meet with you
- Remember, you will document the time spent each week on cert prep or labs in your portfolio
- Think of keeping accurate progress logs as a way for you to eventually take on Auxillary assignments
- Break into groups for Lab Section Introduction
- Tomorrow Mrs. LaMarche will introduce Labs Page to the other group
Welcome Back!! - Start at the computers, please.
- I hope everyone had a restful weekend!
- Create your Week 4 log. Add dates and a bulleted list for Monday - Friday
- work on Cert prep
- work on your write tools paragraph as needed
- REMINDER: Starting Next week Esports will be meeting Tuesday - Friday! Spread the word. We will be competing in Leauge, Smash, Overwatch, Rocket League & Valorant! Hope to see you there!
Welcome to Class! - Please start at the Tables - Quick Discussion on the PC Parts Lab Page
- Create your PC Parts Lab Page in your portoflio | See Example
- Please continue to work on Cert Prep
- Make sure you are making detailed notes in your progress log each day. Please share both your progress and what you found interesting each day.
- Mrs. LaMarche will be asking you to log in to the TA computer (the i9 system and share your portfolio -- sometime this week 🤞.
- I look forward to meeting with each of you 🙂
- If you get burnt out on one cert move on to another cert. There are MANY, many to choose from!
Welcome to Class!! Please Start @ the Tables
- Quick Discussion On Programming & Web Dev
- Make two more Labs Sections - Programming & Web Dev
Independent work:
- Continue to work on your PC parts Lab Page as needed
- cycle to CERT PREP as needed
- Thank you for your patience with our 1 on 1 meetings. I will be working to meet with each person individually at our new TA station
- Please add an entry in your progress log daily ❓🙋♀️🙋♂️❔ - What is the difference between a programmer and web developer
Welcome to Class!! Please Start @ the Tables - Quick discussion led by Carter
- Quick Discussion on Microsoft's Investment (49% speculated share) in Open AI, specifically ChatGPT
- Continue to Work on Cert Prep
Independent work:
- currently, you should have a total of 7 Pages | See Example Portfolio
- make sure you have 4labs sections: Google(Main Labs Page), followed by PC Parts, Programming & Web Dev nested neatly underneath
- write in your daily progress log
- Once you have completed creating the lab sections cycle to CERT PREP as needed
- Thank you for your patience with our 1 on 1 meetings. I will be working to meet with each person individually at our new TA station
1st Period 8:05-8:55
2nd Period 9:00-9:50
3rd Period 9:55-10:45
4th Period 10:50-11:40
Lunch 11:40-12:40
5th Period 12:45-1:35
6th Period 1:40-2:30
7th Period 2:35-3:25
Welcome to Class! - Presentation from Walker - GREAT BUDGET BUILD
- Today we will start our first PRE-LAB on Processors - Make a copy, share it back with and post your copy to your PC Labs Section. | SEE EXAMPLE
- If you didn't get a chance to watch - THE PERFECT TEAM - last Friday, please watch (as weather permits we will complete team lab)
- please take a moment to write in your progress log | What are the TWO qualities successful teams have? What was the google TEAM research project called? WHY? ❔❓🙋♀️🙋♂️ | SEE MY EXAMPLE
- cycle back to CERT PREP
Welcome To Class - Start at the computers, please
- Continue work on your Processor Lab. Make sure you make a copy and share it back with Post your copy to your PC Parts Lab page | SEE EXAMPLE LAB PAGE
- Make sure you cite your sources using Easy Bib
- As you complete your lab cycle back to CERT PREP
- As always, document your great efforts in your progress log each day!
Welcome to Class!! - Start at the Computers Please
- Please look under “Thursday”
- Work on your Processor Lab
- Cycle back to Cert Prep as needed
- AND… As Always - Please log your great efforts in your daily progress log
Welcome to class! - Start the Tables Please
- Q & A on processor Lab - Consider these PRE LABS with independent RECON. The hands-on portion will include multiple components
- Quick Shareout on our Esports WIN - 2022
- If you have your work complete TEAM BUILDING IS OK - Please note which WORKPLACE READY SKILL you are working on.
Welcome to Class - Please start at the tables for 45 min of uninterrupted CERT PREP
- Please take a moment to REVIEW last week
- Create your "week 6" log in your portfolio | Check out my example log as needed
- Keep working on your 2nd Certificate, remember since Monday is shorter... we dedicate Mondays to CERT PREP
- Organize your week with updated dates and bullets for each day of the week. Will you be gone any day this week? Update your log accordingly.
- Tomorrow, we will start at the tables to begin our Motherboard Prelab
Welcome to Class - please start at the tables - What is an 80/20 Project?
- Today we are going to start our motherboard lab
- Please MAKE A COPY of the motherboard lab | See Example
- Please think of this document as a note catcher
- There are a lot of things to understand and know about motherboards and many of you have EXCELLENT prior knowledge
- Please do not worry if you don't already know EVERYTHING about MOTHERBOARDS after you complete this lab, however, I do ask that you challenge yourself
- As always, please remember to write in your progress log daily!
Welcome to Class - Quick share out on an EXAMPLE 80/20 Project
- DEEP FAKES What do you think this means for security and impersonations of state officials or others' identities?
- Deep Fakes in the NEWS | Entire Fake News Channel
- continue to work on Motherboard Lab -- HINT: the answer to CHIPSET and UPDATED TECH question is in THIS VIDEO
- cycle back to CERT PREP
- REMINDER - add all your great work to your progress log! | See Example
Welcome to Class - Start at the computers.
- Please start at the COMPUTERS 💻
- Check out the COOL article Carter found on deep fakes
- Work on Motherboard Lab - Post the completed lab to your portfolio.
- Update your progress logs specific to your current project or cert progress. What did you learn❓ 📝 | See My Example
- Think of an 80/20 possible project
- Cycle back to your current cert
- UP NEXT: we will have a MEMORY or RAM Pre-Lab
Welcome to Class! Please start at the table for some example share of 80/20 Projects - PAST AND PRESENT!
- No Power/ No Post - LapTop (Mr. Tarchione)
- No Power DeskTop (Mr. Haycock)
- 3D Animation Share out - Thanks Walker
- Magic Table Using a Smart CNC Router | JUST STARTED - will check back soon
- Build a Game | JUST STARTED - will check back soon
- As always, please write in your progress log. I will be grading progress logs this week.
- Teambuilding & Time Management Practice - IF YOU ARE ALL CAUGHT UP!
- next week we will complete Lab #4 MEMORY
Welcome to Class! - Start at the computers
- Welcome to WEEK 7!
- This semester has been FLYING BY!!
- Please take a few moments to start your week 7 Progress log
- Spend the remainder of the time on CERT PREP!
- Tomorrow we will start our MEMORY LAB
Welcome to Class! - Please start at the Tables
- Welcome to a field trip inside a field trip
- Idaho Statesman Article: 2000 new jobs COMING TO BOISE
- Micron Tour
- Raspberry Pi Door Open Tour
- Retro Pi Tour
Welcome to Class! - Please start at the Tables
- reflection on yesterday | What happened yesterday?
- new lab pages - "Programming" | Please See Example
- new lab pages - "Web Dev" | Please See Example
- memory and storage labs will be out after our "LONG BREAK"
- cycle to CERT PREP or 80/20 Planning
- today's schedule
- tomorrow's schedule
Welcome To Class! - Please start at your computers. TODAY's SCHEDULE
- Be sure you have both your WEB DEV and PROGRAMMING Lab sections built
- Be sure you have your PROGRESS LOGS complete | See my example
- Cycle over to CERT PREP or 80/20 - project prep and planning
Welcome to Class! - EXAMPLE 80/20 projects to Share
- Create your wk8 Log
- Independent Workday - planning for 80/20 projects or Cert prep
"...for those who work in science or technology or who are going to take a job in a field related to or highly infused with STEM, I did some interesting calculations for my research. Based on the rate at which knowledge is increasing and the rate at which knowledge is decaying, I calculated that about 15 percent of what we know today is likely to be relevant in five years.
Okay, and that is not the number fifty—that is the number fifteen, as in between 10 and 20 percent. And here is the kicker: we don’t even know which 15 percent this is..."
~Liz Wiseman
- please add to your wk8 Log
- Independent Workday - planning for 80/20 projects or Cert prep
- Gabe and Kyler, please test out the refresh rate on the 85inch display for Match tonight
- EXAMPLE 80/20 projects to Share
Welcome to Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche
- Please work on Cert prep or
- 80/20 project Planning
- 3rd Cert | 50pts
- wk7/8 Log | 50pts
Welcome to Class! Monday - Wednesday
- Please create your week 9 log in your portfolio work on your CURRENT CERT - log your progress/ Cert Prep/ 80/20 Planning
- Take a look at
- Welding 80/20 Project
- 8k vs 4k (thank you, Walker!)
- Rhoda's Computer
- Due to many tech parts arriving and our maker space needing tending to - there will be no "new" assignments this week but help yourself to ANY CERT PREP you would like to focus on.
Thursday - Teambuilding/ Esports Practice OK
- Don't forget to document the workplace-ready skill you demonstrated
- Examples - Communication, inclusion, or Time management to name just a few!
Early Release Friday - NO SCHOOL FOR SENIORS
- ENJOY - Teachers working on Grades
Welcome to Class!! Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche
- Create a NEW 4th Quarter Progress Log page
- Please spend today setting up your log dates - SEE MY EXAMPLE
- Please continue to work on Certs and Labs @ as needed
- Make sure you add an accurate yet brief entry in your progress log
Welcome to class - What are the two main indicators of a good team? Why did google call the Project?
- Quick refresher - What is PROJECT Aristotle
- 80/20 Project replace the bumpers
- break into groups
- Have a team member make a copy of GOOGLE LAB #2
- Each team member needs to post a copy of the lab to their INDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO
Welcome to Class! Quick share out on 80/20 Projects - Big thanks to Garret who found a new project for us! REPLACE LCD NEW 80/20
- LCD - replacement examples | Laptop | Desktop Monitor
- SHOUT OUT TO CARTER's TEAM!! The only team to share the lab back with Mrs. LaMarche --- WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT??!! "Example of Code Workspace ETC"
- What was missing yesterday?
- Work time in Groups
- Mrs. LaMarche will provide QR codes
Welcome to Class - Please start in DRONE GROUPS
- REMINDER: You will need a start and stop time for the drone flight
- Each team only needs ONE copy of the document but EACH TEAM MEMBER needs to have a copy posted to their individual portfolio
- ***You will be meeting in S3 tomorrow.****
Welcome to Class!!
- Continue with your Week 11 log - for full points please indicate not only progress but specific takeaways
- Please work on CERT Prep
- Quick Disucssion on 80/20 projects
Early release Monday - Please start at the tables
Today we are going to learn about FIRSTInspires FTC Robotics
Click HERE to go to the FTC Website
Click HERE to make a copy of this document that you will fill out as you learn about the FTC program.
Complete this challenge to learn about the FTC program
- Create new button on your portfolio for the 4th quarter
- Create Week 11
- Add the link to today's assignment on Monday.
- please feel free to look at the power supplies sitting on the main tables
- contiue with the lab we started yesterday - some parts might need to be added manually
- research picking a power supply - PLEASE WATCH
- Power Supply Calculator
Welcome to Class!
- Quick Shareout on Tech Support Happening NOW!
- add your own case and Power supply - we will talk more about power supplies tomorrow
- watch case video as needed
Welcome to Class! This is a great week to be autonomous!
- Wednesday - Friday | Start in your groups. Presentations will start next week. Each group will present 1 topic and lab then we will rotate to another group. As a group discuss which topic you plan to present on first. NEW FORM - FILL OUT TODAY.
- Tuesday - Please continue to work in groups - NEW FORM - DUE TODAY - I need your selfies
- Monday - Work with your group to update your progress with THIS FORM - DUE TODAY!
WELCOME TO CLASS -- Why is it important to compare one part to another?
- quick disucssion on BENCHMARK COMPARISON
- story about verizon 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
- ongoing Slide Build - Building a PC
- Apple VS Samsung VS Pixel
Always remember to cycle back to our 4 questions:
- What’s the PC (or other tech product) going to be used?
- Who’s going to be using the PC (or other tech product)?
- What’s the budget? Current Economic State
- What are future use plans… plans for resale or eventual upgrades?
This Really Happened
WELCOME TO CLASS!! - Quick Disucssion on Processors
- Please create your week 13 log
- continue to complete your - Building a PC lab
- cycle back to cert progress as needed
Welcome to Class!
- Quick disucssion on Workplace ready skills
- teambuildinb OK if you are caught up
Welcome to Class!!
- Continue to work in your assigned groups
- please be sure to cycle back to YOUR INDIVIDUAL CERT PREP if you successfully complete your work group
- Mrs. LaMarche will be working with each group to provide feedback on your presentations
Welcome To Class!!
- New Lab - RAM Memory Lab - make a copy, share back and create a button on your labs page to turn this assignment in
- New Lab - Storage Lab - make a copy, share back and create a button on your labs page to turn this assignment in
Early release Monday - Please start at the computers!
- create your new log
- cycle to cert prep or 80/20 as needed
Welcome to Class!! Hope you had a great week off for Thanksgiving!
Today we will start by finishing Earbud Project Presentations:
To wrap up our project the following students will present in class today:
- Stanheart
- Kaleb
- Logan
- Matthew
- Kit (if finished)
Students will finish up week 14 and start their week 15 in their portfolios.
We will talk about 3D printing and our 3D Printer.
Welcome to Class! Assembly Schedule - Shortened Class Period
- Quick discussion on AI - Chat GPT vs Google's BARD
- The AI revolution: Google's developers on the future of artificial intelligence | 60 Minutes
- Tomorrow Mrs. LaMarche will not be in class. Please work on the follow-up AI Lab
Welcome to Class - Quick discussion on Tech Skills vs Workplace Ready skills
- the origin story of this assignment | SAD
- workplace ready PRE TEST
- when you complete the pretest please work on cert prep or manage your time as needed - there are a lot of correct answers. Please be autonomous.
- we want to make sure everyone has a chance to take the pretest before we cover content
- please place the results to your post-test (we will take post-test next week) in your portoflio
Early release Monday Quick REVIEW of Friday. We were missing over 1/3 of our class activities 😢
| Review Friday HERE | Review Progress Log Rubric Here
- if you haven't already, please take the work-place ready PRE-TEST
- we will go over the content to prepare for the post-test when each class member has been able to complete the pre-test
- please review your progress logs
- continue to work on EOC
Welcome to Class! Teambuilding O.K. OR make up work for ANY OTHER CLASS
- ONLY one pre-test left
- Once all the pre-tests have been taken we will start to go over content
- Please consider listening to music
- Thank you for keeping the classroom a nice working environment
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!!
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- Today - Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Competes @ Districts
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- Today - Rocket League Competes @ Districts
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- Today - Valorant Competes @ Districts
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- Today - Overwatch2 Competes @ Districts
Welcome To Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!
- please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do! Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
- add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
- once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
- All four Titles that competed last week in districts, Super Smash Brothers, Valorant, Overwatch2 & Rocket league ARE ALL GOING TO STATE!! If you see one of our Esports players, please congratulate them.
Welcome to Class!! Please start at the tables
- Preview Promo video
- Look for Easter Eggs
Welcome to class!!
Welcome to Class! Please start at the computers.
Please work autonomously:
- Finishing*** EMERGENCY BUILD**
- Mrs. LaMarche needs to do some last moment edits on our ETE promo video.
- Watch for the final video to be shown in your advisory classes & on Gym TVs
Welcome to Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche | Esports is off to State @ BSU's Esport Arena
Please work autonomously:
- Finishing*** EMERGENCY BUILD**
- Mrs. LaMarche needs to do some last moment edits on our ETE promo video.
- Watch for the final video to be shown in your advisory classes & on Gym TVs
Welcome to Class!
- EOC and Final Portfolio Rubric will be available Friday
- Start Documentary
- Seniors Last Day Wednesday - Congrats to our Senior PC winner!!
Welcome to Class!
- CS Promo Video
- Finish Documentary
- POST TEST - Workplace Ready (once you have finished the documentary)
- EOC - Starts today - OPEN BOOK
- Rubric
- please read an article about our OWN BRUIN ALUMNI